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To save you time, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive. If these do not deal with your inquiry, please e-mail us at

How much is admission? 

General admission is £25. Guests aged 30 and under with proof of age are charged £18 

What payment do you accept? 

We accept Amex, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Sterling-denominated cash.


How do I find Pleasuredrome? 

We are located one minute from Waterloo rail and underground station. See our separate page for more information. 

Is there a minimum age for admission? 

Yes, you must be 18 years old or older. We are a liquor-licensed premise. If you are lucky enough to look under 21 years, we reserve the right to see positive proof of your age. 

What is included in the admission price? 

Admission includes access to all general areas: spa pool, steam rooms, saunas,  bar, lounge area, heated loungers and cinema. Extra charges apply for private pods, rooms, massage, and sunbeds. 

What are your opening hours? 

We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We never close, not even on  Christmas Day.

Do I need to book, or can I just come along?

We do not operate a booking system so just come along whenever you like.

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Tell me about massage. 

We have a dedicated massage suite. It has separate air-conditioning and  ventilation. We offer 50 minute Swedish massages by qualified masseurs. Guests are asked to complete a detailed pre-massage consultation form.

Tell me about the sunbed. 

We have an upright sunbed located in the locker room. Guests may book  sunbed usage at reception upon completing a health and safety questionnaire. 

What is on offer at the bar? 

We offer a wide range of non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. We have an  extensive food offering. Chilled tap water is available at all times, free of  charge. The bar is open 24 hours a day. We do not operate a ‘tab’ system  however we accept contactless payment. 

Do you have internet connectivity? 

Yes, throughout the building. Please note however that due to being located in  railway arches there are occasions when this drops out. 

Are there facilities to charge my phone? 

Yes, we have free of charge phone charging lockers located near the bar.  Enquire at reception. 

Can I bring my own food and drink into Pleasuredrome? 


Am I allowed to pass out and re-enter?

No. If you leave, for whatever reason, you can only re-enter if you pay the  admission fee.

Am I allowed to smoke or Vape? 

No. We are totally smoke free. In exceptional circumstances, at the discretion  of the management on duty, you may be allowed to go outside for up to ten  minutes within the range of our CCTV to smoke. We only allow one person at a  time to do this. 

What is your policy towards drugs? 

The proprietors, managers and staff have a universal policy: Pleasuredrome is and will remain drugs free. If you feel the urge to consume classed drugs, please do not come here; go somewhere else or stay home!  

Do you store bags and suitcases? 

Being close to Waterloo Station, we appreciate that some guests may have large items with them. Subject to space and without liability, we will, wherever possible, store your property. 

What can I wear within Pleasuredrome? 

We are a spa facility. Most customers wear towels around their waists, some wear swimwear, and some wear nothing ( but not in the bar area, please! ). Outdoor clothing, including trainers, is not permitted. 

What towels are provided? 

You will find two towels in your locker. If you prefer larger towels, then exchange them at the reception. Extra towels can be provided for an additional charge. 

What is your policy towards guests with disabilities? 

We take pride in welcoming guests with disabilities, and we recognise that these take many forms. Step-free access to Pleasuredrome, a dedicated toilet, and a staff-operated ramp enable wheelchair access to all key areas, including a sauna, a steam room, the cinema, the general circulating area and the bar. With advance notice, we will try to provide a member of staff to help throughout. 

What is your policy towards guests in general? 

We welcome everyone except those who are rude or abusive and those who have consumed or wish to consume illegal substances. We do not judge by historical, cultural or religious origins. We do not judge by age or body type. We ask the same of you.  




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